About Tidewater Flying Club
TFC has been operating continuously since its founding in 1967.
Our Philosophy of Operation
The Club is a non-profit corporation established to promote and encourage interest in airplane operation and ownership for the benefit of its members.
Share Buy-in
This is an equity club with a share value of $10,230. The then-current share value is returned upon resignation from the club, less a $50 withdrawal fee.
The club monthly dues are based on the fixed operating expenses. These include items such as hanger rent, tie-downs, phone, insurance, taxes among others. The dues change based in these expenses and the number of members currently in the club. Currently the dues are $ 162 per month with 44 active members.
Aircraft Rates
Aircraft hourly rates are based on operating expenses including fuel, regular maintenance, engine reserve, paint reserve and and avionics replacement.
The oil is changed on TFC aircraft at 50-hour intervals.
Current wet hourly rates (per tach hour) are:
Cessna 172 $ 156.
Cessna 182 $ 221.
Diamond DA40 $180.
The Tidewater Flying Club is a fairly active club; we typically averaged 80 hours of aircraft flight time per month, this varies with weather and season. Our members are co-owners in the aircraft and are jointly responsible for their upkeep. Regular washings and tidy interiors are the norm. We encourage participation in Club operations and leadership, with a very good rotation among active members on the Board and as club officers, rather than an entrenched few.
Club meetings are held monthly at the main airport terminal; while attendance is not mandatory, active participation is expected. Our membership is involved and motivated enough that a quorum is almost always present. The Treasurer and Maintenance Officer report on the Club financial status and any maintenance actions, and future plans are discussed.
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Board Room at Newport News/Williamsburg airport's main terminal (to the left of the USO club). A pot-luck cookout precedes the May-October meetings at 5:30 PM at the Diamond hangar.
(Meetings are currently being conducted in person and remotely. Email membership@tidewaterflyingclub.net for meeting link details.)
The annual corporate meeting is in December and usually includes a dining out.
Scheduling and Dispatch
The Club operates on a self-dispatching basis. Scheduling is first-come, first-served, up to six months in advance, using a commercial aircraft scheduling service. Each member has access to the office where logbooks and aircraft keys are kept, as well as a computer for entering dispatch information and weather briefings. Upon return, the aircraft is refueled at the hangar by the FBO. In the office a computer is used to close out the dispatch and to record tach time used. The member then fills out a paper 'flight ticket' to record tach hours and any fuel purchases; any squawks go in a maintenance notebook available for review by the next pilot.
Several club members are also instructors who can provide flight reviews, currency flights, and instrument training. Members may use their own outside instructor with prior Board approval.