Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have online scheduling?

Yes, we use SchedulePointe, an online scheduling service. Members may schedule airplanes up to six months in advance.

Are there instructors in the club?

TFC has a few  instructors for flight reviews, aircraft checkout and on occasion instrument training.

What does it cost to join the club?

The current share cost is  $10,230. The share value at the time of the resignation is returned when the member resigns from the club.

Can I take an airplane overnight or on an extended trip?

Members can take the airplanes for up to 14 overnights per year. There is a one tach-hour minimum charge per day.

Is aircraft availability a problem?

Aircraft availability is not usually a problem. 

With three four-place airplanes, each of which is IFR capable, serving about 45 members, it is unusual that an airplane is not available.

What insurance coverage to does the club provide members?

We have an Avemco policy with limits of $100K bodily injury, $1M property damage, $3000 medical per incident. Any deductible (currently none) is the responsibility of the member at fault.

I'm not a pilot (or I am a student pilot). Can I learn to fly if I join the club?

Currently we are only accepting licensed pilots. We recommend taking initial instruction from a professional flying school. We recommend Rick Aviation.

How can I send my payments to the club?

You can pay by mail with a check to 900 Bland Blvd., Suite S, Newport News, VA  23602, or pay online through PayPal by clicking the link below.  

Please add 3% if using a Credit Card through PayPal.